Thursday, January 19, 2012

Up and Running

We had our phone conference with our social worker to go over ALL the details of how to start and  prepare the dossier. WOW! There's a lot, but our agency is AWESOME and works really hard to keep us on track and provides various check points along the way so that there are no mistakes. I did feel overwhelmed when I first saw the 47 page dossier guide, but now after talking to our social worker, I just feel happy. Extremely happy that we are about to embark on this journery. We are in the FULL throws of the process now. I can't believe it is really happening, but it is and we are so excited. Wish me luck in gathering all the documents and dealing with the local , state, and Chinese consulate in Houston.
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Friday, January 13, 2012


We were approved by the adoption agency and completed our first round of paperwork. About the most difficult part of that process was to write an autobiography. Jordan and I have our orientation with the social worker on Tuesday night, January 17th to learn about our next step. I am finding a lot of peace in the adoption process. It is very comforting to just follow the little checklists that they supply. I wanted to quickly post two Christmas presents that I received. My SIL just adopted from Uganda and she has already shown a lot of love and support about our decision to adopt from China. She gave me a couple of books and the items pictured below. We still have kept "mum" on our decision to most people, but I am proudly displaying these items in my home and holding them close to my heart. The "waiting" necklace was purchased off of etsy at and the ornament is the Chinese word for "Family".
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