Friday, July 27, 2012

The Countdown has BEGUN

We Officially received our LID (Log in Date) as July, 20, 2012. This is just a miraculous 2 days after our dossier was delivered to the welfare offices. This step alone can take up to a month, so we are ever so grateful. The Log In Date is the FINAL step in the process and it also means that this is the beginning of the countdown to our referral. (a fancy way of saying being matched) It literally could be any day now when we receive that glorious phone call. Until then the Code's are going to be enjoying the last few days of summer and preparing our hearts and home for this new little one to join our family. My next post will be when we see our new son/daughter's face. 
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1 comment:

  1. Congrats on this BIG step! I can't wait to her about your referral when it comes! I so wish we were DTC by now! Looking like Sept for us based on the current I800A timelines.
