Sunday, March 17, 2013

Zhengzhou day 4

This morning, Sunday, March 17 we flew to the city of zhengzhou. It is the capital city of Henan. We said goodbye to our one guide, George, and David took us through the airport, checked in all the families, and then said goodbye to us at security. Ccai rocks and their guides are worth every penny. We literally just get dressed in the morning and then show up. It's wonderful to not have to worry about a single thing while traveling. The flight was easy - a mere hour. We met or new guides, Yisha and Rita. Both women are incredible sweet and I can already tell that they are masters at their job. In fact Yisha's
Room is directly across from ours, so if we need anything, she is just a few feet away. The city is beautiful.....again, very big, with lots of skyscrapers..this time the city feels a lot like Chicago to me whereas Beijing felt like New York but much bigger (IMO) . Once on the bus and after Inteoductipns, we received an official date on our son. This was the longest update that we have had to date. It literally is packed with specific information to help us prepare for our first meeting, we were told what formula he likes ( Scientic ) , he prefers water with chrysanthemum powder ( this is similar to like the crystal lite packages you add to water back in the states), the foods he likes, the food he hates, ( Meat----sounds just like khaki and Finley) loves fruit, hates juice, drinks two bottles a day, his nap schedule, when he wakes, when he sleeps, how he likes to be comforted, who is friends are in the orphanage, his nickname, and so many other details. It
Is so comforting to have this going into tomorrow, so that we are prepared. Now, this all might fly out the window tomorrow, but at least we have enough information there for a good starting point. Once settled in to our beautiful hotel, the crowne plaza, Jordan and all the men went with Yisha's to exchange money. Afterwards we headed to the 3 story Walmart that is located just a short distance away. Again, people were quite enamored with us and after tomorrow, they will be even more curious when they see all these white people with chinese babies. The sidewalks here are not just for pedestrians, but for scooters and electronic bicycles as well, so you better watch out. Carseats are non existent and therefore babies are strapped to the bicycles to tote around or you will see babies in the front seats of cArs just being held. It's crazy. I'll have to take a picture so that y'all can see it. Anyways, I digress, we ventured to Walmart with our guide Rita and she helped every family gather the correct formula and then let us get other items. There was some pretty interesting things there in the store.... Nothing really was all that different except for the entire food floor..which deserves an entire post by itself, but I just chose to look straight ahead and not look. My nose was good enough to know that it was something freaky. We walked back to the hotel , dropped our stuff in the room, and wait------ while we were gone, room service put a CRIB in our room. !!!! After my short tearful sigh , we headed to the restaurant down in the hotel and had a delicious Italian meal. Then up to the room to charge cameras, lay out Rex's things, and get the gifts ready for the nannies. Jordan is already asleep as he is really tired tonight. I tried logging into our church service back home but couldn't get it to work correctly. So now , I am just left with my thoughts about tomorrow.

You know, I have had the privilege of birthing my two beautiful girls and tomorrow I gain a son who is not of me, but is so rooted deep within my heart, I can hardly contain the love I already have for him, In fact, I have had three babies , 3 different ways, Finley was delivered, Khaki was lifted up, and Rex will be received. My eyes are so ready to see him, my arms are so ready to scoop him up, my heart is so ready to pour out the love that has been stored up for 14 months, my voice is ready to comfort and console, my hands are ready to nurture , my lap is ready to be used as a playground, my feet are ready to serve him and my soul is ready to love him forever because tomorrow he will be mine.....his third mama .....his forever mama. Rex is leaving the only life he has ever known tomorrow morning. We will look and smell different to him , we will not be able to speak his language , nor will we know what he is thinking. Our prayer is that he will learn to trust us, be secure in our love for him, know that we will meet every physical need he has, and allow us to comfort him. It will not happen will take time. The first few days may be rough....really rough..... And so we just ask that you continue to pray for us. We have no expectations about his response to us --- we are just going there with our arms wide open and ready for whatever happens. I know I keep saying it, but thank you thank you for the emails, comments, and prayers. We are so encouraged by your words. Night y'all.


  1. Thinking of you guys so much- he is so close to being in your arms! Lifting you all up w each thought!!

  2. It looks like none of my comments have gone thru bc I have done them thru my phone, but I have been reading ur updates and am loving them. I absolutely CAN NOT wait to see Rex in ur arms. I love that his nickname is "smile". How precious and so perfect for you and your family and home, all of which are always so full of joy and smiles all the time. I will be praying for u guys and Rex as u make this initial transition and I know that The Lord will be with u helping u and Rex every step of the way. Be confident in the fact that God speaks Chinese and is fully capable of giving him peace and comfort thru this process. Ha! I love u so much and already love Rex too! TPOP

  3. Paige, this is so awesome and I am SO excited for yall. I got goosebumps when I saw that his nickname is "smile"....because YOU have the biggest smile of anyone I know :) Love you friend and can't wait to see you.

  4. Oh Paige! I am so happy for you! Just crying so many happy tears reading this!

  5. Beautiful words of love from one of the BEST mamas I know! You are a blessing to ALL of your children. I love your sweet honesty and open heart. I'm praying every day for you, Jordan, Rex, Finley and Khaki. What an amazing adventure!

  6. Hello my friend. I LOVE how you write - it's so beautiful and touching. You're so eloquent with your words and expressing your heart. I love you and am beyond thrilled for you! Smiling for "SMILE" today!!!
